Here are some of the common logos which you guys know.
FedEx,Toblerone Chocolates,Carrefour and amazon.Behind these logos,there's hidden message which I think is cool.

You might seen this LOGO alot of times,be it tv commercials,billboard and etc.But I just realised that there's an arrow between the letters “E” and “X” which means "conveying speed, direction and reliability of this amazing courier service."

Nice Chocolate with nice meanings.Do you realised that there's a bear in the Swiss Alps logo?I doubt so because I never realised that too.Toblerone originated in Bern, Switzerland - A city whose name is rumored to mean, “City of bears”.Cool.

Carrefour is a french international hypermarket chain.
Carrefour is the largest hypermarket chain in the world in terms of size.So what's his this logo about?

Carrefour in French means “crossroads” and the logo shows two opposite arrows inside a diamond shaping the C letter with the negative space between them.I never seen the negative space C until I read this.

Amazon is the America's largest online retailer.The arrow might just look like a smile to you and to me.At first,I just thought that this logo is "simply a smile" Logo.Do you see the arrows from A to Z?It means that Amazon has everything ranges from A to Z and also represents the smile brought to the customer’s face.

(Logos Via GraphicDesignBlog)

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