Whenever you say "boobs",does it always means the female "boobs" ?Well,No.Man do have Boobs too.This is it,'The Mad Guide To Man BOOBS'. Here are all the different types of Man's Boobs.

Cute and cool isn't it?

7 drowsy comments to "Man Boobs Guide [PIC]"

  • hahahas...cool!

    I like your new blogskin.

  • The abnormal enlargement of the breast tissues to a volume in excess of the normal bust-to-body proportions can be caused either by the over-development of the milk glands or of the adipose tissue, or by a combination of both occurrences of hypertrophy.

  • Many men may notice breast fullness or swelling around puberty, while majority develop excess breast tissue and fat associated with weight gain or aging this is known as a condition called gynecomastia.

  • In general, the patient could go with from a suction lipectomy, in addition , endoscopic surgery. Brand-new complex more recently enjoyed seen endoscopic cures to interchange outdoors surgery pointing to suction lipectomy. Is definitely endoscopic surgery works by using a bendable shooter continue to work hard.

  • You should know the causes of gynecomastia to start getting rid of your man boobs. There is a safe and healthy way to get rid man boobs from your life and avoid humiliation and build the confidence you deserve.

  • The treatment for gynecomastia would vary depending on the cause of the condition. 90% of adolescent boys go through this condition. Normally this condition doesn’t need to get treated since it goes away less than 3 years though the doctor would need to check on the size of the breast tissue every few months.

  • Hi there. Your blog is very informative and gives much more information about Best Gynecomastia Surgery. Find more information about this topic on http://www.bestgynecomastiaindia.com

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